Cocoa frameworks in appcode
Cocoa frameworks in appcode

cocoa frameworks in appcode

Remove the target again, save the project.pbxproj file as 'ist'Įxecute the following code to turn both plists to xml, with the same sort order: (you could probably also use pl util, but I did it this way). Open Pods/Pods.xcodeproj in xcode, add a target to force the format from XML back to OpenStep format.

cocoa frameworks in appcode

Run pod install MyProject.xcodeproj, save the Pods/Pods.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj file as 'ist' Test Case 2: (Rule out XCode cleaning up the project file). It opens in both Xcode and AppCode Actual Result: Step 1: convert the Pods/Pods.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj to OpenStep format: pl -input Pods/Pods.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj -output Pods/Pods.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj Expected Result: I suspect that the project file parser might be a custom implementation in Java (because AppCode is built on the IntelliJ platform), rather than the plist methods in Obj-C foundation libraries. after further testing it appears that AppCode needs the project.pbxproj file not just in OpenStep plist format, but in the exact same format as XCode (which includes the inline comments, etc). So if you have a simple AppleScript line or something that would do this, please do share it here/on the wiki, but purely as a tmp workaround, until either the JetBrain people also read XML plists or we are able to dump in the OpenStep format. Also because we are currently able to generate the project.pbxproj file on linux, which is what Travis, our CI service, runs on. This might be a good workaround for AppCode users until we have something solid, but I’d rather not add that as something part of the tool, because I’d rather be completely independent of Xcode etc. This might be possible using amework or Applescript. Did you find a way for your editor that still allows you to dump it a property list in the OpenStep format? Or did you write a custom emitter?Īlso, can you give me a link to the Ruby lib that you found that dumps in the OpenStep format?Īnother (quick and dirty) option might be to somehow trigger a project edit from command line, and it will revert to legacy format. I've also written a project editor for xcode in Objective-C, if that's of interest.Īs a matter of fact, I had liked to dump the contents in the OpenStep format, but the CFPropertyList API, which we use, does not allow us to do that (anymore). I have a reference to a module in ruby that writes out a plist in legacy OpenStep format. Nice, is there a public link to the ticket? And/or can you update us on the status?Īlternatively CocoaPods could generate Pods/project.pbxproj in legacy format. I've raised a ticket with Jetbrains to see if they can fix this. While XCode doesn't seem to care what format the project file is in, AppCode only likes the legacy format.

cocoa frameworks in appcode

My guess is that they do it because they already have a custom emitter which adds comments to the sections which allow for easier merging, or something along those lines. This is because the Pods/Project.pbxproj file is in XML format and xcode usually saves in OpenStep format (god knows why).

Cocoa frameworks in appcode